free new client session:
Bring your mitt and water and join us for a free session to experience what your training will look and feel like
In-Season “Driveline” Program:
Train 1 or 2 days a week at STITCHES in addition to your team’s practices to ascertain the skill and strength to increase velocity and command, knowledge for game day decisions and your personal bullpen data at your fingertips (for pitchers) that you need to create your player profile and keep your arm healthy. (Feb - Oct)
Off-Season “Unfinished Business” Program:
Train 3 days a week at STITCHES to build your baseball movements and your arm up safely after a long season and before you hit the game circuit again. This program is designed to increase your velocity and manage your control. (Nov-Jan) $300/month. 3 month commitment. Data readings using Rapsodo ever 2 weeks.
Virtual Hitting Analysis Program with Joe Thurston:
1 video analysis per week - Video taken at STITCHES including tee work and hitting off the pitching machine. Breakdown of biomechanics personalized movement prep Corrective exercises Side by side comparison vs MLB Player
Create and maintain your player profile for college and professional exposure. $10/month if enrolled in a STITCHES monthly program. $125/month if not enrolled in a STITCHES monthly program (In-season, Off-season, Virtual Hitting Analysis)
Private Pitching Lessons:
Any age and any level. $80/lesson.
Private and 2 person Hitting lessons with Joe Thurston:
Sign up here to be notified when Joe will be opening his schedule
Hitting Clinic with Joe Thurston:
Email "Hitting Clinic" to stitchesbaseballmodesto@gmail.com to get on the list to be notified when clinics are scheduled